Leaving an Obsolete System Behind

Kingsley L. Dennis
5 min readJan 13, 2022


There is no doubt that humanity has entered a new phase along its developmental journey. We are now observing a grand restructuring of human society and its many systems: financial, technological, political, cultural, and more. I have already spoken about how this is creating great discomfort and dissonance for many people. This is inevitable, for great upheavals are rarely smooth or without disturbances and ripples. A new phase is emerging as the current phase is fragmenting; and like two stones thrown into a pond, they each create interference waves that clash. The important point here is where a person chooses to position themselves. A new way of life can be brought into being, yet it must be birthed from within the current one as it breaks up. For a time, both worlds will co-exist in the same physical space although they shall occupy a different energetic space. Where a person can position themselves is to be in the world that is emerging yet not of the world that is on the way out. Although one phase has ended, there are those groups/agencies who have vested interests in maintaining this world, and they are desperately attempting to re-model it with a new facelift — as a technocracy. There will be a stealthy attempt at a makeover, to present the ‘new future’ in terms of an artificial, synthetic future. Yet this is not an evolutionary future for humanity. The new emerging world will remain organic, natural, and in biological balance. This is the model that shall come forth — not a false future in shiny metal. We should take heed from the wise words of Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

We are here now to build a new model whilst existing within the current one that is fast becoming obsolete. The power that the obsolete system, and its rulers, have over us depends upon our state of being (level of frequency) — that is, others can only ‘lord it’ over us if we are existing energetically (aka, vibrating) at their level. The obsolete system wants for everyone to operate (energetic state) at its lower-level vibratory state. We simply do not go there. We have to secure and protect the most valuable thing to us — our consciousness. In being better prepared for engaging with the changing world I suggest the following five aspects: i) Conscious awareness; ii) Connection; iii) Communication; iv) Creation; v) Comprehension.

i) Conscious Awareness: to be aware of what is happening in the world, including the distasteful aspects, but not to get dragged into or entangled with these events. Awareness is necessary, but only as a tool for self-knowledge — not to acquire more baggage from the world.

ii) Connection: to find and discover other people who are on the ‘same wavelength’ and who think and perceive like you. Reach out, connect with others, even if you have never previously met. Send them a message online. Share your thoughts — strengthen one another’s energy states. Never feel you are alone. There are always other people out there who think and feel the same as you do. Older social alliances will be breaking down. Old or existing friendships and bonds will be dissolving. That’s okay — find new ones. Re-align your social alliances according to your new state of perception.

iii) Communication: Share your thoughts and ideas with others. State your truths. Let others know what position you have taken. Do not be cowered into silence or anonymity. Allow others to also find you by letting them know your position and feelings. Do not be loud or go around shouting your views; or, worse still, trying to persuade others to take your position. Just be confident to state your ideas when asked and to represent and communicate your own truths when necessary. By communicating your position with the world outside of you, you shall also be strengthening the trust in yourself.

iv) Creation: be creative! Do not allow the events of the world to pacify or nullify you. Do not be impotent to your own potentials just because of external uncertainties. It is precisely at such times of dissolution and renewal that creativity is most needed. Being creative does not only imply from an artistic point of view. Not everyone can be a painter or musician, etc. But genuine creativity is about being resilient and finding new ways to do things. New patterns of lifestyles; different hobbies; learning new skills; preparing yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being creative means being adaptive during moments of change.

v) Comprehension: be understanding of this change and how it is affecting others. Recognize that there will be many conflicting points of view and opinions. Acknowledge that many people will not only choose not to agree with you but that they may even attack your views. Do not let this sway you from your own understanding and your faith and trust in yourself. Understand the full scope of the wider implications and allow others to have their own views so long as this does not impinge or trespass on yours. And if, later on, some people wish to come over to your way of understanding, be gracious to them and not judgmental. We are all learning at our own pace.

Perhaps these five ‘C-Ways’ will assist as we each move ahead into the paths we have chosen at this time. It is not necessary to have a full picture or to know exactly how the next years will be. For now, it is enough to visualize that you are already in the world you wish to be, only that it hasn’t been built yet. You are there, energetically — later will come the physical structures. Imagine there are two boats upon the water, an old sinking one and a new one. Place yourselves on the new one and know that you are there already, even though it looks empty and without a full crew. For if you believe yourself to be remaining on the old, sinking boat you will spend too much of your energies worrying about how it is sinking and running around, desperately seeking for some unknown solutions. Yet knowing that you are already upon the new boat — the new Ark — you will feel more balanced and energized, ready for sailing when the waters become clearer. You are already where you wish yourself to be — it’s just that the new structures haven’t yet materialized. But energetically — vibrationally — you are already aligned with the new phase of the human path you have chosen.

As Buckminster Fuller also said: “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.” The new boat has no room for victims, yet plenty of space for those with a new vision for the future.




Kingsley L. Dennis
Kingsley L. Dennis

Written by Kingsley L. Dennis

Author of over fifteen books — including non-fiction, novels, essays, poetry, philosophy, and children’s books. Lives in Andalusia — www.kingsleydennis.com

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